Peace - Be still

There’s this thing about every human being that seeks relevance. It wants to find reasons for existence. It wants to feel important by searching out its significance. The world believes that when you have so much money, you will not have any problems. It’s true, that money can solve many problems but not all problems. Money can buy you an expensive house but not a happy life, money can buy you a beautiful wife but not a peaceful marriage, money can buy you luxury and comfort but not peace and joy. It’s possible to acquire all the money in the world and still feel empty inside because true peace does not come from material things. We are living in turbulent times. There is so much chaos and destruction on this planet because people feel this emptiness and seek external material things to fulfill a deep internal struggle. To fill a void that can only be filled by Jesus. Many feel lost and confused. This podcast is a reminder to you that Jesus Christ loves you and He cares about every situation you are going through. On this podcast, I will journey with you and help you understand the true meaning of peace. True peace is not dependent on one’s circumstances. I will discuss various real-life issues and speak and breathe the peace of Christ over every circumstance you are going through in your life. Not the peace of this world, but the Peace of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

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Remain Steadfast in Trial

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Steadfastness amid trials doesn’t promise an easy path, nor does it nullify the pain of the process. It proffers a truth that goes beyond material comfort—it promises eternal peace and contentment. Believe me, following Jesus, enduring in His love, is an experience that words scarcely contain. Walking with Jesus holds wonders and rewards that the world has yet to fully realize. One must tread the path He paved to truly understand its significance.
And so, as we face trials—large or small—may we find the courage to remain steadfast. By doing so, we send a message that reverberates through time and eternity. We say with resolve that we believe in His promise, and we eagerly await the joy of His reward.

Rich or Poor

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Facing financial hardships or enjoying a period of plenty? How should one steer through challenging times, regardless of their financial state? Join us on today's podcast as we explore the complexities of navigating life's trials in both prosperity and scarcity.
Do the affluent also face their own battles?
Tune in to unravel the reality behind wealth and struggles.

Prayer of Faith

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

What is the definition of prayer and what comes to mind when you hear the word prayer? Join me as we dive deep into understanding what true prayer is. I will also answer the question - does God hear my prayers and if so, does He care enough to answer? I will also explain what it means to make a prayer of faith and how you will know that God has heard you. Welcome and enjoy listening.

Wisdom for Living

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

Come along on a journey as we delve into the concept of wisdom. We will explore different types of wisdom, including the intriguing devilish wisdom. Join me as we define wisdom and uncover methods to tap into divine wisdom.


Friday Feb 09, 2024

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Today we will dive deep into how to endure during turbulent times. It may be difficult for us to count it all joy when we go through trials but we must remember that trials do not come to destroy us but grow us and sharpen our character. Your response in such times will either make you bitter or better. Enjoy listening and God bless you!

Who is Njeri Muchunu?

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

I introduce myself and let you know why I'm doing this podcast, and hopefully, in good time in due season, we can get to be friends and we can get to engage with one another and share life's struggles, life victories, and the in-betweens that happen to every one of us.

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